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hash hash

hash hashhash hash
  1. Hash A hash code for the downloaded binary to verify its integrity .


  2. Multicast source authentication scheme based on hash chain and hash tree


  3. Some ideas come from Hash table and Hash tree , the method for the query data is improved ;


  4. Unlike hash keys , hash values are not guaranteed to be unique .


  5. For example , work files could be used to store temporary results for hash joins and hash aggregates .


  6. You can solve this problem by using String . intern () or maintaining a user hash set or hash map .


  7. Recently , with the breakthrough of the analysis of hash function , hash function design and analysis of the filed of information security has become a hot issue .


  8. First decompiling protection software , secondly to statistical software instructions , characteristics of statistical results and the watermarking value hash transform , hash value as the characteristic of the software to distinguish with other software .


  9. Additionally , a more reliable scheme on hash value called multi-ply hash value is proposed and applied into the solution above .


  10. After feature extracted , use image hash or image perceptual hash to generate image hash , and use Hamming distance to measure image similarity .


  11. During binary loading , the TE sub system is called by the system loader , which calculates the hash using the SHA-256 hash algorithm .


  12. And put forward video copy detection algorithm based on visual attention . They study the application of visual attention model and its analysis in video hash formation and video hash weighted .


  13. That 's why you should never rely on hashes alone & always add some salt to your hash so the resulting hash values are unique .


  14. A star join plan utilizing push-down hash join technology makes hash joins more effective primarily due to reduction of fact table ( probe table ) rows early on .


  15. In order to improve the performance of Hash function , a new Hash function based on AES is constructed . The length of the Hash result of the Hash function is 256 bits , it can resist thoroughly attack .


  16. In accordance with the way to construct a compression function , hash function is divided into two categories ; they are special design hash function and block-cipher-based hash function .
